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⚙️ Ternoa SDK

npm version

The easiest and fastest way to build on top of Ternoa Chain.



npm install ternoa-js

This package provides TypeScript types, but you will need TypeScript version 4.2 or higher to use them properly.

Quick Start

An API instance must be initialize using the initializeApi function in ternoa-js/blockchain before calling some SDK functions. The default chain endpoint is: DEFAULT_CHAIN_ENDPOINT = "wss://alphanet.ternoa.com". It can be modified by passing a new endpoint as a parameter to the initializeApi function.

Functions are organized by theme. In the example below, the import of generateSeed and getKeyringFromSeed from the subpath ternoa-js/account allows us to generate a new account and display its address.

import { generateSeed, getKeyringFromSeed } from "ternoa-js/account"
;(async () => {
const account = await generateSeed()
const keyring = await getKeyringFromSeed(account.seed)
const address = keyring.address
console.log("Your fresh public address is: ", address)
})().catch((e) => {

Among all the features provided by the Ternoa SDK, this short snippet of code allows you to create an NFT, submit and sign it at a glance. This single line createNft function, require a few parameters : some offchainData metadatas, a royalty, a collectionId if you want this NFT to belong to a collection, a boolean to define its isSoulbound status, the keyring to sign and submit the transaction, and a waitUntil callback parameter, to define at which point we want to get the results of the transaction execution.

import { createNft } from "ternoa-js/nft"
import { generateSeed, getKeyringFromSeed } from "ternoa-js/account"

const createMyFirstNFT = async () => {
try {
// We initialize an API instance connected to the Alphanet chain
await initializeApi()

// Here we create, sign and submit the NFT transaction with your keyring
await createNft("My first NFT", 10, undefined, false, keyring, WaitUntil.BlockInclusion)
} catch (e) {


The official SDK documentation is available: ternoa-js sdk documentation. Additional resources are available on the ternoa official documentation.

Discover our End-to-End Test dApp here to learn and test the Ternoa SDK : ternoa-js-test-dapp.

Cookbook example

If you are looking for a quick overview about the basic-usage of the Ternoa SDK, some explications or the best-practices, and how to create your first NFT, we recommand you to look at the exemple section cookbook/basic-usage

SDK Development


To build a new version of the library, run:

npm run build

Generating Documentation

To generate the documentation website, run:

npm run docs

The static website will be located in the docs/ directory.


The test suites relies on testing pairs located in the testingPairs.ts file. In order to prepare those pairs, the two scripts test-setup.ts and test-teardown.ts respectively fulfilled and emptied them with CAPS. Environment variables SEED_TEST_FUNDS and SEED_TEST_FUNDS_PUBLIC_KEY have to be define to run the test suites.

To run the test suites, run:

npm run test

Code Style

This project uses recommended ESLint and Typescript rules to ensure coding good practices.

We've setup linters and formatters to help catch errors and improve the development experience:

  • Prettier – ensures that code is formatted in a readable way.
  • ESLint — checks code for antipatterns as well as formatting.

Husky proceeds some checks before pushing a new commit. It ensures that: the project is building, there are no linter/formatting issues and the test suites are not broken.

If you use Visual Studio Code editor we suggest you to install ESLint and Prettier extensions.

Build And Run With Podman

  # Downloads the package lists and "updates" them.
sudo apt update -y
# Installing podman.
sudo apt install podman
# Building the image using podman and the already available Dockerfile.
podman build -t tsdk .
# Checking if everything is OK.
podman images | grep tsdk
# Run the tsk image.
podman run tsdk

Run With Podman Tips

In the next examples some useful Podman commands will be shown. It's important to note that most flags have been omitted in order to make the examples more concise. Before running anything make sure that the image was built from the the "Build And Run With Podman" step.

If no command arguments are given by default it will try to build the starter-project project. To cancel this add bash at the end of the command. Example: podman run tsdk bash.

Remove Container After Exit

A container that was run and it's job has been finished or the user has exited will not automatically be removed instead it will enter the Exit state. To make sure that the container is deleted and removed after it's being used the flag --rm should be used.

  # The --rm flag removes the container after usage.
podman run --rm tsdk
# Check if any container is running or stopped.
podman ps -a

Persistent Storage

Container uses a local copy of the repo in order to compile and run examples. This means that if code changes are made inside the container that they will not propagate and they will be lost. To change this the virtual container volume /workdir needs to be mapped to a directory on the host machine that contains the Ternoa-js repo. With the mapping done any change in the mapped directory will be visible to the container.

This can be useful if you want to develop applications without installing all the dependencies for it. For the workflow check the Create A Development Environment segment.

  # Flag -v tells the host machine to map the physical "./." path with the virtual container one "/workdir". If no command arguments are given this will try to compile and run the starter-project project.
podman run -v ./.:/workdir tsdk

Run The Container And Access Its Shell

The predefined operation/command of the container when run is to compile and run the starter-project. To execute a different operation additional commands can be passed at the end of the run command. Example: passing bash will run the bash shell session instead the default operation.

  # If no command arguments are given this will try to compile and run the starter-project project. By passing "bash" we make sure that we run a bash shell session once the container starts.
podman run -it tsdk bash

Create A Detached Instance And Access Its Shell

  # Flag "-d" runs the container in detached mode. 
podman run -d tsdk bash
# Access its shell.
podman exec -itl bash

Create A Development Environment

The dockerfile is made in a way that it can be used to develope new applications with it. Example of a typical workflows:

  • The host installs git, clones the repo and install a code editor like VS Code.
  • The host runs the container in a interactive mode with /workdir pointing to a workdir on host machine (can be your own project or ternoa-js).
  • The host writes code via a code editor and uses the terminal (which is connected to the container) to run the tsc and node commands.
  • With that setup all the changes are done locally on the host machine while the container is only used to compile and run the app.
  # Flag "--name" is used to name the container.
podman run -it --name my_sdk_env -v ./.:/workdir tsdk bash
# Do some activity and the exit the container
[root@d4ad8ec11655:/workdir] nano -V
[root@d4ad8ec11655:/workdir] apt install nano
[root@d4ad8ec11655:/workdir] exit

# Return to the same container
podman start my_sdk_env
podman exec -it my_sdk_env /bin/bash
[root@d4ad8ec11655:/workdir] nano -V


ternoa-js uses an Apache-2.0 License.

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